Link to LIVE Video of the Renovation Project

Online Auction!
Now is your chance to buy some of the Library's basement treasures! Items will be sold through over the course of the new few months. To bid, create a free account at GovDeals.
New auction items coming soon!
Temporary Location:
During the renovation, the library is open at a temporary location: 1512 Duane Street on the corner of 15th and Duane, kitty corner from the Blue Scorcher Bakery (where your library card gets you 25% off a loaf of their bread!). There is no book drop; there are two 15-minute parking spaces in front of the door for patrons who just need to drop off or pick up materials. Please note: there is no ADA parking at the temporary location. Please call 503-325-7323 if you need accommodations for access.
Floorplans and Drawings - August 2024
Library Floorplans
Front Entry - Circulation Desk
Children's Area
Main Reading Room
Stairs to Basement
Talk of Our Towns - December 5, 2024
Talk of Our Towns host Donna Quinn is joined by Suzanne Harold, the Astoria Public Library Director, to discuss updates for the ongoing building renovation and events being held in the temporary location for this historical local third space.
Weekly Updates:
Renovation work started the week of September 15 and is expected to take 12 months.
Week 24 (February 28, 2025) - City approved permit to run electrical feeder to library. Walls continue to go up in the basement. All the pieces continue to fall into place!

Walls of the new Flag Room are going up

Welding on the north whaler steel beam

Installing high-temperature self-adhesive membrane at the roof parapets
Week 23 (February 21, 2025) - Crews battled torrential rains to continue installing heavy structural steel, sprinkler lines, plumbing and electrical.

Installation of steel whaler beam at north elevation

Framing at the elevator shaft

If all goes well, you will never see this again: installation of commode carriages in the basement restrooms.
Week 22 (February 14, 2025) - Worked stayed on schedule despite the cold temperatures, snow and frozen rain. Crews installed heavy steel beams and the interior basement walls are taking shape.

First layer of protection board and single ply installed over the roof's pan deck.

Hollow metal jams installed in basement. This room will hold the Astoriana (local history) collection.

Installation of wide flange steel beams at the stairway opening to the basement.
Week 21 (February 7, 2025) - Crews worked through the ice and snow, completing HVAC installation in the basement and heavy steel at the west entrance.

Winter conditions this week

Heavy steel wraps up and pan deck goes down at roof & first floor framing around the elevator shaft

Core drilling for floor boxes on first floor. Water and suction lines carry away the silica dust.
Week 20 (January 31, 2025) - Framing at the roof continued this week,. Crews insulated the parapets in preparation for the coming snow and rain. Basement walls are starting to go up!

Framing in the rooms in the basement

New steel beams going into the first level floor at the elevator shaft

Steel ready for pan deck and roof at the 10th Street entrance
Week 19 (January 24, 2025) - This week, the skies cleared, the sun came out, and the contractors completed the elevator pit, placed the surrounding slab and feeder casement, and installed the switchgear, sub panels, basement-level sprinkler mains and branch lines, and installed the steel at the rooftop level, surrounding the elevator.

Steel erection continues at the west elevation entry and elevator shaft

Installation of concrete in the basement is complete

Moving the construction trailer in preparation for the next phase of civil engineering. Is Bigfoot on the payroll?
Week 18 (January 17, 2025) - Drill, dowel and rebar in basement is complete. Vapor barrier has been placed and we're ready to place concrete in the basement. We're ready to resume installing the steel.

Backfilling the elevator pit

Backfill complete. Vapor barrier and rebar installation in progress

With the elevator pit complete, steel erection resumes
Weeks 16-17 (January 10, 2025) - The last two weeks of the year focused on finishing up the elevator pit and getting electricity into the building.

Architect inspects the parapets and HVAC installation on the roof

Feeder line vault for electricity installed under the sidewalk

Elevator pit walls have been formed and poured
Weeks 14-15 (December 27, 2024) - Crews continue to build the underlying structures that will support the renovated library: steel beams, data and power floor boxes, and the elevator base.

New beam erection in progress at elevator shaft

Elevator pit slab and sump in place. De-watering continues

Data and floor boxes installed and ready for concrete slab pour back
Week 13 (December 13, 2024) - Lots of rebar installation as we prepare for concrete placement next week. Installation of sprinkler system has begun and crews continue to "dewater" the elevator pit. Great progress this week!

Setting up to manage the water in the elevator pit is a muddy process

Installing Bentonite and rebar in the elevator shaft - concrete installation starts next week!

The humble beginnings of the grand staircase to the basement.
Weeks 11-12 (December 6, 2024) - During the week of Thanksgiving and the week after, the sprinkler, mechanical, electrical and plumbing subcontractors arrived and began work. Non-compactable soils were removed from the basement and feeder lines for the electrical service installed. The most visible change is the installation of parapets along the roof edge.

Roof parapet framing is in progress. The princess gets her tiara!

Removal of non-compacting soils from the basement.

Installation of feeder line conduits in progress. These will later be encased in concrete.
Week 10 (November 22, 2024) - Battling the elements: ground water in the elevator pit, storm surges, downpours, lightning and strong winds!

Tough excavation down to the hand digging standing water at about 3 feet below floor level; crews excavated to 8 feet

The Library's existing power service, located beneath the street and sidewalk in the chair wall system. Happily scheduled for replacement!

Sanitary pipes in basement restrooms are ready for inspection
Week 9 (November 15, 2024) - Demolition work wrapped up and we've started rebuilding!
Temporary bracing installed for wide-flange beams during steel erection.

Sanitary lines underground in progress at basement.

Roof parapet and HVAC curb materials arrive in anticipation of framing for next week.
Week 8 (November 8, 2024) - Opened the basement floor for the elevator pit; removed and replaced compromised roof pan deck.

Saw cutting and breaking up the concrete at the basement level

Removal of compromised pan deck at roof elevation and replacement in progress.

Excavation and haul off soils in preparation for the elevator pit and underground trenching
Week 7 (November 1, 2024) - Precast panels on Duane St are gone. Mezzanine level has been removed. Getting ready to install steel on the lower roof and 10th Street entrance.

Removed the two center precast panels along Duane St.

Opening for the grand stairway in the Reading Room cleared of debris and ready for the steel package

Crews are Installing all new HVAC units!
Week 6 (October 24, 2024) - Crews transition from demolition and salvage to build back and construction.

Sidewalk and south lane of Duane Street closed for work on north wall

Installation of diagonal bracing

Layout completed for reading room stairway and egress stair openings
Week 5 (October 18, 2024) - This week focused on the 10th St entrance and preparing for future work on Duane St.

Hole for the elevator cut into the first floor

Existing duct work removal

Site is tidied up and ready for the next week
Week 4 (October 11, 2024) - Demolition work is well under way. Temporary power installed. Precast panels on 10th Street removed. Roof work continues.

Central concrete panels on 10th Street removed

Demolition of 10th Street in progress

Ah, so that's why the roof was leaking in the Staff Room
Week 3 (October 4, 2024) - Abatement of hazardous material and salvage wraps up, and demolition begins.

The mezzanine level is gone - coming soon, a fully accessible library!

Roof materials and fall protection system on site and ready for next week

TrueLook Camera installed - live camera feed of the construction!
Week 2 (September 27, 2024) - Abatement and salvage work continues. Plans for roof replacement and electrical work coming together.

Clean up and water removal after this week's rain

Spreading tarp on the roof to keep rain out of the building during abatement

Abatement crews remove asbestos in the basement
Week 1 (September 20, 2024) - And we're off! Abatement started, along with salvage efforts. Construction scheduled to start on September 30, after abatement concludes.

Removing ceiling tiles and luminaries for storage

Maple cabinets set aside to be used in the renovated library

Holes are covered and marked in preparation for next week
Public Engagement
Floorplans and Drawings - August 2024
Library Floorplans
Front Entry - Circulation Desk
Children's Area
Main Reading Room
Stairs to Basement
Community Presentation, March. 7, 2024
Community Presentation, March 7, 2024 – Presentation Slides
Community Presentation, Nov. 29, 2023 – Presentation Slides
Community Presentation, Sept. 13, 2023
Thank you, Astoria!
In November 2022, Astoria voters approved an $8 million bond measure for a full renovation of the library.
The Astoria Public Library will be renovated and expand into the basement, resulting in 18,000 square feet of space, while keeping the historic Ebba Wicks Brown mid-century building intact.
New features:
- 100% accessible building
- Expanded children’s space
- Dedicated teen space
- Updated technology
- Updated systems (electricity, plumbing, HVAC, roof)
In Summer 2023, we will begin a community outreach process to review the 2018 concept plan for the renovation. This process will allow us to fine-tune the plans and ensure that it meets our current goals and priorities. The work will be done with the help of the Astoria Public Library Renovation Ad Hoc Committee.
Building Project History
For many years, the City Council declared a goal to create a 21st-century library in Astoria, either through new construction or renovation of the existing building. The current library building opened in 1967 and has not been significantly updated since. The building is aging and requires basic improvements to the plumbing, electrical, lighting, and heating/cooling systems. Additionally, the roof, which has been patched over the years, needs to be replaced and the flooring should be renewed.
In 2013, the Council engaged the services of library consultant Ruth Metz to conduct a needs assessment study. The study, which received input from several hundred Astoria residents, identified the following priorities:
- More space dedicated to children, providing a place to engage in activities that develop language and literacy skills
- Dedicated zones for children and teens, plus small and large meeting room spaces
- Updated technology
- More natural light
- Spaces and activities that bring people together.
In 2016 the Council voted 3-2 against building a new library in Heritage Square as part of a mixed-use project, citing cost concerns. The Council next looked at expanding into the old Waldorf Hotel, which shares a wall with the library. Preservationists spoke against the proposal and the Council decided not to move forward with this course of action.
In 2017, the City contracted with David Wark, principal architect with Hennebery Eddy, to create conceptual plans for renovating the existing library building, using the Metz study as a starting point. He presented his plans to the Council in July 2018. The plans shed new light on all of the possibilities and community programming that could be accomplished through a thoughtful renovation of the existing building. Especially attractive was the possibility of opening the buildings lower level and almost doubling the library’s public space.
In January 2022, the Council voted to make a final decision on the library by the end of the year. Depending on polling, the Council either would ask voters to consider approval of a bond measure for a full renovation, or would use cash on hand to remove the mezzanine and, to the extent possible, address basic items of deferred maintenance.
Based on positive polling results, the Council, on June 20, 2022, voted to submit to the electors of the City the question of authorizing up to $8 million of General Obligation bonds to renovate the Astoria Public Library. The bond measure appeared on the November 2022 ballot and was overwhelmingly approved by nearly 70%.
July 2018 Conceptual Plans