+++ 2019 +++

Community Development

The Community Development Department is responsible for economic development, land use planning, zoning administration, building inspection, historic preservation, code enforcement, and the Urban Renewal Districts.

The Department provides staff support to the Planning Commission (APC), the Historic Landmarks Commission (HLC), the Design Review Committee (DRC), and the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSC).

The Department administers the City Comprehensive Plan, and the Development Code.

The Department also administers the City’s Building Inspection Program.

The office is open 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

7:30 AM- 11:00 AM:  All Staff will be available at the counter.
11:00 AM- 4:30 PM:  All Staff will be available by appointment only.  

Please walk-in, Email, or call 503-338-5183 to schedule an appointment.


  • Phone us at: (503) 338-5183
  • E-mail us at: planning@astoria.gov
  • Mail your inquiries to:
    Community Development Department
    Astoria City Hall
    1095 Duane Street
    Astoria, OR 97103


The following plans and documents are available from the Community Development Department either through the web link, or a paper copy is available at a reasonable cost by contacting the Department as noted above.

Astor-East Urban Renewal Plan
Astor-West Urban Renewal Plan
Astoria City Code
Astoria Comprehensive Plan
Astoria Development Code
Astoria Gateway Area Transportation and Growth Management Plan 
Astoria Port-Uniontown Transportation Refinement Plan 
Buildable Lands Inventory
Downtown Parking Plan
East Gateway Transportation Plan
Gateway Master Plan
Historic Preservation Plan
Rehab Astoria Right 
Riverfront Vision Plan
Riverfront Vision Plan Appendices
Trails Master Plan (This is a large file and may take extra time to load.)
Transportation System Plan, Volume 1 
Transportation System Plan, Volume 2 
User's Guide to Transportation Improvements in Astoria

The Community Development Department manages the following services. For more information, contact planning@astoria.gov or 503-338-5183.