+++ 2019 +++

Records Request Form

APD patch


555 30th Street
Astoria, OR 97103

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Stacy Kelly
Chief of Police

Eric Halverson
Deputy Chief

Jeremy Hipes
Emergency Communications Manager

Claude Wrenn
Administrative Services Manager

Administrative Services
Records: Email
Property: Email



Public Records Request

You may submit a Public Records Request using the web form below; or select this link Record Request Form and return in person, via fax or mail; or by sending us an email. Public records requests are processed in the order they are received. If no exemptions apply, we will contact you with the amount of the fee and how to make your payment. Some requests involve higher costs depending on the staff time required for research or time involved to complete requests. The total fee is due before the records will be released.

When an exemption does apply, the exemption does not permit us to release all or a part of your requested record; we will let you know the details of the exemption. Per ORS 192.415, any person denied the right to inspect or receive a copy of any public record of Astoria Police Department may file suit with Clatsop County Circuit Court. The District Attorney for Clatsop County will review the public record to determine if it remains exempt from disclosure or if Astoria Police Department shall be compelled to disclose the record.

NOTE: We are not able to complete same-day record requests. Payment must be received prior to a record being released; release exemptions may apply. Please select link exemptions to see what qualifies.

Please email records@astoriapolice.org or call (503) 338-6433 with any questions about our process or fees.

SUMMARY OF FEES FOR PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTS (please visit our Fee Schedule for a full listing)
  $10 Copy of an arrest record, per contact sheet. 
  $50 Certified copy of police records, per hour.  
  $50 Copy of an audio or video recording (minimum 1 hour).  


I will pick up my report
Mail my report to me
Email my report to 
Fax my report to 


I want to review the below referenced public records
I would like copies of the below referenced public records

Name of person (or company) making request:



Address where you want records sent:


Employer address, if applicable:

Supervisor's name, if applicable::


Case/Report/Incident Number:

Date of Incident:


Details of Request:


Is this request related to a lawsuit, litigation or a civil judicial proceeding involving the City of Astoria? Select one: 

Please note exemption 192.345(1) and notice requirement in 192.314(2).


Is the requester in any legal proceedings related to this incident? Select one: 
