Public Works Operations is divided into six divisions:
- Shop and Yard Division: Overall administration of
Operations, daily reports, meter records, purchasing and receiving of all parts and equipment for
fleet maintenance and infrastructure. Fleet maintenance of close to 400 pieces of City-owned
equipment and vehicles. Operate and maintain the fueling facility for City equipment.
- Streets Division: Street sweeping, pothole
patching, roadside mowing, crosswalk and directional arrow delineation, street sign maintenance,
snow plow/sanding and de-icing of streets.
- Sanitation Division: Monitoring of the former
Landfill site.
- Sewer Division: Operate and maintain the
Collection and Treatment facilities of sanitary sewer. There are over 68 miles of pipe, more than
1,600 manholes, 2 major pump stations, 3 lift stations and several smaller pump stations that
convey combined sewer to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. At the Wastewater Treatment Facility,
the sewerage is then aerated, chlorinated, dechlorinated and discharged to the Columbia River in
accordance with State regulations.
- Storm Water Division: Operate and Maintain all
catch basins, inlets and facilities that convey and store stormwater.
- Water Division: Operate and maintain a 3,700-acre
watershed, slow sand filter treatment facility, 12-mile transmission water line, 2 covered
reservoirs, 4002 water meters, 443 fire hydrants and over 80 miles of water line from 1” to 18”.
Manage the backflow program for over 600 backflow device