Legal Disclaimer: The information provided in this GIS map is property of the City of Astoria unless otherwise indicated. All information contained in this GIS map are NOT AUTHORITATIVE and have NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE assuring the information presented to you is correct. The positions and information content of all features contained inside this GIS map correspond to only GIS source data itself. Do not rely on any locations and measurements obtained from this GIS map to provide you with information that can be reproduced on the ground. All spatial data contained inside this GIS map are NOT SURVEY ACCURATE and may be completely invalid. This GIS map cannot serve as a substitute for site-specific investigations by qualified practitioners. Site-specific data may give results that differ from those shown on the map. This GIS map cannot be used as a substitute for a professional land survey or official source of information. Contact Clatsop County government to obtain official information regarding Clatsop County. The City of Astoria has exerted a tremendous amount of effort to bring you the best map information available; however, in this GIS map, the City of Astoria cannot accept any liability for error. The City of Astoria assumes no liability for any decisions made or actions taken or not taken by the user of the GIS map
Conditions for Use: By using this GIS map as a source of information, you agree to accept any limitation known and unknown. GIS maps and data do not carry legal authority to determine a boundary or the location of fixed works and are intended as a location reference for planning, infrastructure management, and general information. The City of Astoria provides this information on an 'as is' basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The City of Astoria assume no responsibility for anyone's use of this information. The City of Astoria shall assume no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of how caused. Furthermore by accepting these conditions for use, you must also agree to indemnify, defend against, and hold the City of Astoria harmless for any claim or other liability imposed or that may arise from use of this GIS application, data, and maps.
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For answers to most common questions, click below to view our GIS USER GUIDE:
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If you have questions or comments, please contact us:
Phone: (503) 338-5173
Lobby Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.