The DEQ and the City of Astoria have agreed to a long-term, phased CSO control plan that will reduce the volume and the number of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to ultimately comply with the Clean Water Act. This project is the first project in Phase 4 of that plan and will provide the necessary improvements to reduce CSOs at five outfalls that discharge to the Columbia River.
The 16th St CSO Separation Project consists of installing new stormwater pipe and catch basins within established City right-of-way. Over 12,000 feet of new storm sewer pipe will be installed with this project to disconnect springs, catchbasins and street drainage from the existing combined sewer system. It will be necessary to replace existing water and sewer pipe where construction of the new storm pipe compromises the integrity of the existing infrastructure.
The project includes construction in the following locations:
14th St from Duane to Lexington
Jerome Ave from 14th St to 15th St
15th St from Commercial to Irving
15th St from Jerome to Madison
Grand from 15th St to 16th St
16th St from Marine to Lexington
17th St from Duane to Jerome
18th St from Exchange to Grand
16th St CSO Project Map
Emery & Sons Construction Group was awarded the construction contract for this project. Construction of most of the project was completed in October 2015. Construction of the remaining work on 16th Street resumed on June 6, 2016. The project is scheduled to be substantially complete by September 2016.
Project Update 08-19-16