The Port of Astoria and City of Astoria are partnering to establish a Waterfront Master Plan that creates a vision and implementation strategy for the Port’s industrial waterfront. With recent changes in industry and trade, this site is now poised to re-invent itself, to be a place of employment and commerce, a place that embodies the city’s character and a location for all Astorians.
Building on previous studies and initiatives, the Master Plan will:
- Convey a Vision for mixed used development and public access that contributes to Astoria’s economic prosperity and reinforces its historic role as the economic hub of the North Coast.
- Provide a framework that is long term in focus but capable of adapting to changing economic circumstances and opportunities over time.
- Recommend specific economic strategies, policy initiatives, and “early win” projects that will set the stage for substantial private development supportive of the Vision.
We are at the beginning of the master planning process. Our consultant team of planners, architects, economists, and development strategists started work in August. A Project Advisory Committee, comprised of City and Port staff, stakeholders, and members of the public, will oversee the team’s work. Over the next few months, the public will have several opportunities to follow our progress and provide input on the future of Astoria’s waterfront, prior to the presentation of the final Master Plan to the Astoria Development Commission and Port of Astoria Board for approval.
Port of Astoria Waterfront Master Plan
Appendix 1_technical memos
Appendix 2_public comments
Appendix 3_cost report
December 14, 2021 - Port of Astoria Waterfront Master Plan Public Meeting #2
Click to view the meeting video
Click to view presentation slides
Feedback: We want to hear from you! Click here to share your thoughts, ideas, and opportunities.
AWMP Stakeholder Interview Summary
December 7, 2021 - AWMP PAC 3 Meeting
PAC 3 Meeting Summary
PAC 3 presentation
November 3, 2021 - Port of Astoria Waterfront Master Plan Public Meeting #1
Click to view the meeting video
Click to view presentation slides
October 19, 2021 - AWMP PAC 2 Meeting
PAC 2 Meeting Summary
PAC 2 Presentation
September 15, 2021 AWMP PAC 1 Meeting
PAC 1 Meeting Summary
PAC 1 Presentation