+++ 2019 +++

Boards & Commissions

City of Astoria (OR) Boards and Commissions

The City of Astoria citizen committees play important roles in advising the Astoria City Council, and provide a great volunteering opportunity to provide residents with a chance to help make their community better. If you are interested in serving on any of the City of Astoria's volunteer committees, the Citizen Advisory Committees Application Form may be accessed by clicking the following link:

Citizen Advisory Form

Use the links on this page to go to Web pages with more information about each board or committee, including membership. If you are interested in serving on any of the City of Astoria's volunteer committees, the Citizen Advisory Committees Application Form may be accessed by clicking the following link:

The City welcomes applications at any time.  If you have any questions or need additional information, contact the Mayor’s Office at (503) 32 5-5824 or via email at rquigley@astoria.gov


To help support new volunteer members, the Astoria City Council has adopted a Volunteer Boards & Commissions handbook for members to follow: Volunteer Boards & Commissions Handbook.


All volunteer citizen members must also agree to this statement of responsibilities: Statement of Roles and Responsibilities