Astoria City Council is the policy-making body for the City of Astoria. Members of the Council serve four-year terms and on many boards and commissions of the City, other local governments, agencies, and the State. Members of the City Council are paid a modest stipend set by the City's Charter. The Mayor appoints all City Boards and Commissions; the Mayor and Councilors appoint the City Manager, City Attorney, and Municipal Judge; The City Manager appoints all other City employees.
City Council Meetings are held on the first and third Monday of the month at 6:00 P.M.
Work Sessions will be held when the Mayor, City Councilors and City Manager determine that they are necessary.
Visit the City Calendar for information about upcoming meetings, locations, and changes.
Astoria City Council Meeting Procedures - Adopted during the June 3, 2024 City Council Meeting, these procedures provide specific standards that the City Council will uphold as a meeting body during Regular Meetings and Work Session.
For contact information for the Mayor and City Councilors, click the link below their photos or call 503-325-5824.
Sean Fitzpatrick, Mayor
Email: sfitzpatrick@astoria.gov
Phone: 503-325-5824
Current Term Expires 12/31/2026