Q. How do I create a Neighborhood
A. The Community Development Department assists
neighborhoods with organizing neighborhood associations, and obtaining information on City meetings and
upcoming projects. The Department maintains a list of associations with contact information which may be
obtained by contacting the Department. Check to see if your neighborhood has a representative. A guide on
"How to Create a Neighborhood Association" is available which provides information on how to get started.
Neighborhood Associations Contact: planner@astoria.gov 503-338-5183
Historic Landmarks
Q. How do I know if a building is
A. Look for the heading "Classification" on the building's
inventory form. A building will be classified: Eligible Significant, Eligible Contributing, Not Eligible Out
of Period, Non-Contributing, Primary, Secondary, Historic Non-Contributing, Compatible, and Non-Compatible.
On inventory forms, only those buildings listed as Eligible Significant, Eligible Contributing, Primary, or
Secondary are considered historic at this time. In addition, a building may be individually designated
as a Historic Local Landmark or as a National Register Historic Landmark. To verify the classification
of a property, contact the Planner.
Q. What do those classifications mean?
A. Primary: Constructed during the primary period of
development of that neighborhood or district and retains significant historic fabric and integrity and still
reflects that historic period.
Secondary: Constructed during the secondary period of development of that
neighborhood or district and retains significant historic fabric and integrity and still reflects that
historic period.
Historic Non-Contributing: Constructed during the primary or secondary period of
development of that neighborhood or district but does not presently retain sufficient historic fabric or
Compatible: Constructed after the secondary period of development and is compatible in style
with buildings constructed during the historic periods.
Non-Compatible: Constructed after the secondary
period of development and is not compatible in style with buildings constructed during the historic
Please note that the historic periods of development vary from one neighborhood or district to
another. A definition of those periods of development can be found in the Historic Context Statement of each
Q. Are there any other designations for historic
A. Yes, a building might be individually listed as a Local
Landmark, National Register or National Landmark. Both National Register and National Landmark buildings
start their designation process locally, but are reviewed at the State and Federal level.
Q. What is the local process for designating a
building historic?
A. There are two ways to designate a building. One, a
property owner applies for that designation through the City of Astoria’s Community Development Department.
The application is reviewed by the City’s Historic Landmarks Commission at one of their regular meetings.
The Historic Landmarks Commission bases their decision on criteria listed below.
Two, the City designates
a property after completing a comprehensive neighborhood inventory. During this inventory, a historic
building consultant reviews the architectural character of a building, its individual history and
alterations which may have occurred to the building exterior. The consultant and members of the Historic
Landmarks Commission review the building according to criteria listed below.
Property owners are then
mailed completed inventory forms. At that time, they are invited to an informational meeting and a public
hearing. Property owners have an opportunity to comment at both meetings. Formal designation is made
following the public hearing. During this process, is the opportunity for individual property owners have
the opportunity to opt-out of the historic designation. If a property owner does not “opt out” prior
to the actual designation, the historic designation may not be removed at a later date.
Q. What criteria are used to establish the
historic designation?
A. The criteria for determining whether or not a building
is historic includes:
1. Physical Integrity. Property is essentially as constructed on original site.
Sufficient original workmanship and material remain to serve as instruction in period fabrication.
Architectural Significance. Rarity of type and/or style. Property is a prime example of a stylistic or
structural type, or is representative of a type once common and is among the last examples surviving in the
City. Property is a prototype or significant work of an architect, builder, or engineer noted in the history
of architecture and construction.
3. Historical Significance. Property is associated with significant
past events, personages, trends or values and has the capacity to evoke one or more of the dominant themes
of national or local history.
4. Importance to Neighborhood. Property’s presence contributes and provides
continuity in the historical and cultural development of the area.
5. Symbolic Value. Through public
notice, interest, sentiment, uniqueness or other factors, property has come to connote an ideal,
institution, political entity or period.
6. Chronology. Property was developed early in the relative
scale of local history or was early expression of type/style. The age of the building, structure, site, or
object should be at least 50 years, unless determined to be of exceptional significance.
7. The request
shall be consistent with the applicable goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
Q. Do property owners have a choice whether or
not their building is listed as historic?
A. At the conclusion of the inventory, all affected
property owners are invited to attend a public hearing before the Historic Landmarks Commission. Individual
property owners may object and opt out at that time. If no objections are filed with the Community
Development Department, the historic designation becomes final when the Historic Landmarks Commission votes
to accept the inventory as presented.
If an inventory is then processed as a “National Register Historic
District”, the State will advise all affected property owners of the pending designation and call for a
vote of the property owners. In this case, the majority rules and individual property owners may
not “opt out” of designation.
Q. What protections or restrictions are placed
on historic buildings?
A. Protections include the review of new construction
adjacent to historic buildings. The Historic Landmarks Commission reviews new construction to ensure
compatibility in scale, style, height, materials, architectural detail, and orientation with the adjacent
historic building and neighborhood.
Restrictions are placed on the exterior alteration of historic
buildings. Exterior alterations are reviewed by the Historic Landmarks Commission. Alterations include
attaching decks or porches, replacing siding with different type or material, replacing windows with
different materials or styles, removing historic ornamentation, changing rooflines, constructing an
addition, etc. All exterior alterations are reviewed by the Historic Landmarks Commission or the Historic
Preservation Officer. Interior alterations are not reviewed by the City. Certain exterior alterations that
are to replace missing historic features or are to repair the structure based on historic photographs of the
house may be approved administratively.
Routine maintenance is not reviewed. Routine maintenance includes
cleaning, landscaping and minor repairs. In addition, exterior paint colors are not reviewed. Property
owners are not required to paint their buildings in historic colors. However, the City will offer assistance
in selecting colors if requested by the property owner.
Q. What other assistance is provided?
A. The City offers the historic building owner limited
design consultation by the City’s trained staff. This consultation may include reviewing the history and
stylistic characteristics of the building, suggestions on how to blend the alterations with the building’s
historic character, and advice on how to navigate an application through the Historic Landmarks Commission.
Q. Are financial incentives available?
A. Financial incentives are available through the State and
Federal Government for buildings individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places or
landmarks within a National Register Historic District.
The State Historic Preservation Office offers
“Special Assessment” -- a freeze on the assessed value of a building for 10 years. Applicants must prepare
and commit to restoration and improvement plans of their building. All plans and alterations to both the
exterior and interior must be approved by the State before work is commenced. For more information call the
State Historic Preservation Office at 503-378-4168. The
State Historic Preservation Office
Periodically grants may be available from the State Historic Preservation Office
through the City for exterior work.
The US Department of the Interior offers a 20% Federal tax credit for
rehabilitation performed on income-producing buildings (apartments, bed & breakfast, commercial, etc.).
Again, all work on both the exterior and interior must by approved before work is commenced. In this
case, both the State and Federal Government review the planned restoration and renovation.
Also, the
National Trust for Historic Preservation has a tax credit fund established jointly with Bank of America.
Contact the National Trust for Historic Preservation for more information. The National Trust for Historic
Preservation website is at
Q. If my house is historic, do I have to open it
to the public? Am I limited to what changes I can make to the interior?
A. There are no local requirements for open houses. If you
choose to apply through the State for Special Assessment and your property is enrolled in that program (see
above), you will be required to open parts of your home to the public once a year. Interior changes are
reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office only if a property is participating in the Special
Assessment program. The Astoria Historic Landmarks Commission reviews the interior changes on behalf of the
State only if a property is participating in the Special Assessment program.
Q. Does the Clatsop County Historical Society
have anything to do with the City of Astoria’s historic building program?
A. No, not directly. People often confuse the historical
society with the Historic Landmarks Commission. The Clatsop County Historical Society has nothing to do with
the review of local landmarks -- that’s the role of the Historic Landmarks Commission.
The Clatsop County
Historical Society is a non-profit organization which maintains and operates four museums including the
Capt. Flavel House, Heritage Center, Film Museum, and Firefighter’s Museum. They maintain historical records
on the County’s families. They also have an impressive collection of historic photographs in their archives.
These photographs are invaluable for guiding restoration of Astoria’s buildings.
Please call the Heritage
Center at 503-325-2203 to make an appointment to explore the archives. Or, The Clatsop County Historical
Society website is located at
Q. What is urban
A. Urban renewal is a public financing tool available to
cities and counties in Oregon. Using a mechanism called Tax Increment Financing (or TIF), urban renewal
directs property taxes on growth in assessed value within an established urban renewal district toward
projects that will improve conditions in that district. The driving idea behind urban renewal is that the
extra investment, and the expectation of investment, in the urban renewal district generates growth that
would not have occured but for that investment. This extra growth is what funds urban renewal projects, and
ultimately provides additional tax revenues to the city as a whole.
Q. What qualifies an area
as an urban renewal district?
A. To qualify for urban renewal, an area must be identified
by a city council as blighted (which can mean, among other things, underdeveloped, underperforming,
dangerous, deteriorated, or poor condition of infrastructure). Blight is fully defined in the Oregon Revised
Statutes 457.
Q. What are the benefits
of urban renewal?
A. Through direct investment, urban renewal can help change
a blighted portion of a city into a valuable and productive contributor to the local economy. This will help
a city in multiple ways. A more vibrant area will draw business, create jobs, and stimulate the local
economy. Increased property values will boost local tax rolls after the urban renewal district expires.
Improvements to local infrastructure, such as transportation improvements, will make the community safer and
will streamline traffic flow to and from the district.
Q. How does urban renewal
funding work?
A. Urban renewal is funded through Tax Increment Financing.
When an urban renewal district is established, the county assessor determines the current assessed value of
all property within the district, and freezes that tax base. Whatever property tax revenue local
jurisdictions receive from this frozen base is the same amount they will receive on a yearly basis until the
urban renewal district is terminated. As property values increase above this frozen base, all tax revenues
from increases in permanent rates are directed to projects within the urban renewal district. Assessed
values can increase yearly at the 3% maximum allowed amount by state statute, or by more than this if new
development occurs within the district. This increase above the frozen base is also called the “increment.”
When the urban renewal district expires, the frozen base also expires, and the local taxing jurisdictions
resume receiving taxes on the full assessed value of the district.
Q. What are the steps for
creating an urban renewal district?
A. An urban renewal district is created through a process
that includes community input, notice to impacted taxing jurisdictions, review by a city’s urban renewal
agency, planning commission and city council. The city council hearing notice must be sent to a specified
group of citizens, that is typically postal patrons. Adoption of a plan must be with a non-emergency
ordinance by the city council that does not go into effect for 30 days after adoption. The plan, together
with an accompanying urban renewal report, identifies the goals of the urban renewal district and projects
to be funded with Tax Increment Financing, describes how the district complies with statutory requirements
for blight, projects tax increment revenues, and identifies a maximum amount of debt an urban renewal
district can incur, among other topics. The two urban renewal districts in Astoria have both completed this
Q. Who administers an
urban renewal district?
A. An urban renewal agency administers the urban renewal
plan, and this agency is established by a city council. In Astoria, as with many other municipalities, the
city council serves as the board of the Astoria urban renewal agency, called the Astoria Development
Commission (ADC).
Q. Does urban renewal
increase property taxes?
A. No, urban renewal does not increase property taxes; it
simply allows for the reallocation of growth on taxes to the urban renewal agency rather than the
overlapping taxing districts. Taxpayers in Astoria see urban renewal as a line item on their tax statements
whether or not they own property inside of an urban renewal district, a situation that can cause some
confusion. This line item does not represent an extra charge, or result in a larger tax bill than would
otherwise occur; instead, it represents a division of tax dollars, collected from all properties in an
amount that equals the growth on taxes inside the urban renewal district. If urban renewal was terminated in
Astoria, general property taxes would not decrease; they would just be reallocated to all taxing
The following chart shows a sample $100,000 house in Astoria and the permanent tax rate
for the different taxing jurisdictions. The "With Urban Renewal" column shows a sample property 2012 tax
bill with urban renewal, for a total bill of $1,609.78. In this example, urban renewal receives an
allocation of $121.71. The last column shows what would happen if urban renewal was terminated: the tax bill
would be the same, $1,609. However, the allocations to the taxing jurisdictions are adjusted to reflect the
total amount being divided differently. Those allocations would be made based on the actual permanent rate
of the taxing jurisdiction.
| Permanent Tax Rate | With Urban Renewal | Without Urban Renewal |
House Value | | $100,000.00 | $100,000.00 |
Taxing Jurisdictions | | | |
Astoria School District | 4.9407 | $456.48 | $494.07 |
City of Astoria | 8.1738 | $755.18 | $817.38 |
Clatsop County 4H | 0.0534 | $4.94 | $5.34 |
Clatsop County Care | 0.1763 | $16.30 | $17.63 |
Clatsop Community College | 0.7785 | $71.94 | $77.85 |
Clatsop County | 1.5338 | $141.72 | $153.38 |
Port of Astoria | 0.1256 | $11.62 | $12.56 |
Sunset Empire Transportation | 0.162 | $14.97 | $16.20 |
NW Regional ESD | 0.1538 | $14.93 | $15.38 |
Urban Renewal | | $121.71 | |
| 16.0979 | $1,609.79 | $1,609.79 |
Q. Does urban renewal have
a financial effect on the taxing jurisdictions?
A. Urban renewal will have a financial effect on local
taxing jurisdictions, but the impact is different for schools than for other districts. An urban renewal
district, as explained in later parts of this Q&A document, does not directly affect school districts.
Other taxing districts may experience fiscal impacts that limit their total revenue capacity while the urban
renewal district is in place. While the urban renewal district is active, a taxing jurisdiction’s revenue
from that area will be frozen, and will not increase until revenue-sharing is triggered. So, while an urban
renewal district is active, taxing jurisdictions will not receive as much money as they would otherwise have
received. In essence, the taxing districts forego some revenue in exchange for a greater total property tax
base and revenue capacity as a result of urban renewal investments. The goal of urban renewal is to spur
development that would not have occurred but for urban renewal, so when the urban renewal district expires,
taxing jurisdictions can expect to receive more tax revenues than they would have had the urban renewal
district never existed at all.
In 2009, the Oregon legislature passed HB 3056, which enacted what is
known as "revenue sharing". Revenue sharing requires urban renewal agencies to share increment when certain
thresholds are met. The thresholds are tied to the area's "maximum indebtedness", or the limit on the amount
of debt that the agency can incur in an area. The revenue sharing legislation means that successful urban
renewal investments begin creating returns for overlapping taxing districts in advance of an urban renewal
district’s expiration. This legislation would impact Astoria if either of the urban renewal districts
increased their maximum indebtedness in the future.
Q. Will urban renewal have
a financial impact on the School District?
A. Urban renewal will have a negligible impact on the
Astoria School District because the money it gives up to the urban renewal district is replaced by the State
School Fund. School funding is based on a per-pupil funding ratio from the State School Fund. Increased
development resulting from investments of TIF within the urban renewal district will benefit Astoria schools
through the construction excise tax on new development which the Astoria School Board and the Astoria City
Council put in place in 2011.
Water & Sewer Utility Billing
Q. When is a late fee
A. A late fee is assessed if the payment is not
received within 4 days after the due date; door hangers are sent out with another fee assessed one week
after the late penalty. Finally, the meter will be turned off if the account remains unpaid one week
after the door hangers are hung.
Q. When will I receive
my water deposit back?
A. The deposit will be credited back to your account
after one year of receiving no late penalties (maintaining account in good standing as defined by
Section 1.03 of the Water Resolution) or will be applied to your final bill at
the time of closing the account.
Q. How do I pay my
water/sewer bill?
A. There are several ways to pay your water/sewer
- You can mail it to the City of Astoria at 1095 Duane Street, Astoria, Oregon 97103
- You can pay it online by clicking clicking on the utility link in the lower left hand corner of
the City's website at https://astoria.gov. You can pay by check, debit card, VISA or Master Card
credit card.
- You can have a direct payment set up by your bank (please allow 7-10 business days for payment
delivery to the City).
- You can have an automatic online payment taken out of your checking account or from a credit
card account (VISA, Master Card). Payment is taken on or about the 12th of the month payment is
- You can have an automatic payment taken out of your checking/savings account by/on the 8th of
the month payment is due by completing an EZ Pay Program Form.
- You can drop off a check or money order (no cash please) in the drop box located outside City
Hall on Duane Street.
- You can pay inside City Hall on the 3rd floor with cash, check, credit card or money order.
Q. How do I close out
my account?
A. You can contact the Water/Sewer Department at (503)
338-5172 for assistance. Please note that you will be asked to provide identifying information to ensure
you are the account holder. A forwarding address will be requested at that time.
Q. Can I change my
payment date?
A. No. Billing and reading cycles are fixed and do not
allow for us to change the due date of a bill. An exception to this would be if there was delay in
processing the billings the due date would be adjusted.
Q. Can I have my
renter pay the water/sewer bill?
A. Yes. However, it is important for the property
owner to know that if a tenant does not pay their water/sewer bill, the bill and all associated fees
will become the responsibility of the property owner.
Q. How do I read my
A. Simply open the cover to the meter box and read the
numbers on the dial. Note that the meter is read to the nearest 100 gallons.
Q. Can I view my bill
A. Yes. Simply go the the City's website at
http://astoria.gov/ and click on the link in the lower left hand corner and follow the simple steps for
setting up an online account and you will be able to see your bill online. You can also pay your bill
online by using the same process.
Q. What are the
water/sewer office hours?
A. We are open from 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday through
Friday excluding holidays. Account information can be accessed 24 hours a day by signing up at the
City's website at http://astoria.gov. Simply click on the utility link in the lower left hand corner and
follow the simple steps for setting up and online account and you will be able to see your bill online.
Q. How do I check for
a leak?
A. Turn off all indoor and outdoor faucets and water
operable appliances. Locate the water meter and remove lid from meter box and find the small triangle on
the face of the meter and observe for about 5 minutes. If the meter dial gauge (red triangle of daisy
wheel) is moving, there is possibly a leak. If you have questions about a water leak, please call Public
Works Operations at (503) 325-3524.
Q. What if I received
an unusually large bill?
A. There is a possibility of a leak, misread or
defective meter. Your options are to perform a self-test for a leak (as described above) or to request
that the city reread the meter. If you have questions about a water leak, please call Public Works
Operations at (503) 325-3524.
Q. What information
do I need to open an account?
A. If you are the property owner, you will need to
fill out an application for service and provide proof of property ownership or authority to conduct
business on behalf of the property owner. This can be a property tax statement, escrow closing papers or
other documents showing transfer of title or legal authority to the applicant. If you are a renter, you
will need to fill out an application for service and have the application signed by either the property
owner or their designated agency and complete the application process.
Q. Do I need to open
an account in person?
A. Yes. City policy and FTC requires that a reasonable
effort is made to ensure the identity of the individual opening the account. The best way to accomplish
this is to have you apply in person with photo ID.
Q. Can I designate
someone else to handle my account?
A. Yes. This can be accomplished filling out a
Property Owner Transfer of Water/Sewer Authority form (LINK). This is commonly used when the property is
to be managed by a property management company or by an individual other then the person living in the
home. It is important to note however, that the designated person will be the one who receives any
notices from the City regarding past due bills or shut offs.
Q. What if I cannot
pay my bill by the due date?
A. You must contact the City's water/sewer department
at (503) 338-5172 to make payment arrangements. The bill must be paid in full before the next billing is
generated. Tenants must receive written permission from the homeowner/landlord to extend the due date
beyond the turn off date.
Q. What is the
surcharge on my bill?
A. This charge is on all water/sewer accounts. These
funds are collected to upgrade the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) system City-wide. It is a State and
Federal mandate that the system be upgraded to resolve the issue of sewer overflow into the river. The
City will need to continue to collect these fees for several more years as the project continues.
Burning in the City of Astoria -
When and what can I burn?
A. In the City of Astoria, you are only allowed to burn in a burn
barrel with a permit from dawn to dusk. To burn in a burn barrel, you will need to have a quarter
inch mesh screen on the top of the burn barrel. Yard debris, natural vegetation, untreated wood are
some of the items you may burn in a barrel. Attend constantly when burning with a garden hose or
extinguisher and a hand shovel. There is no open burning or burning of piles allowed within the City
of Astoria. If you need a burn barrel permit, contact the Astoria Fire Department 503-325-2345, ext.
2521, Monday - Friday, 9am-4pm to schedule a time to get a permit. The cost for the first two years
is $50, which requires an inspection from the fire department. A renewal permit fee is $35 for two
years. For more information, please view our
burn barrel diagram.Q.
How do I obtain a copy of a fire
A. To request a copy of a fire report you will need to click on the
Public Records Request Form
Public Record Request 
print out a copy of the form. Once you complete the form, you will need to scan the document and
email the form to
fax (503-325-2346), or mail the form to: Astoria Fire Department, 555 30th Street, Astoria, Oregon
97103. There is a $10 fee for a fire report and the fee will need to be received before the report
will be mailed.
Police Department
Q. How do I get fingerprinted?
A. The Clatsop County Jail provides fingerprinting
services. No appointment is necessary. The jail is located at 636 Duane Street in Astoria. For hours and
a fee schedule, please contact the jail at 503-325-8641, or visit their
Q. The police department impounded my
vehicle. How do I get my vehicle back?
A. A person named on the registration must come to the
police department Mondays through Fridays, excluding holidays, between 9 am and 4 pm. That person must
have a valid driver’s license, proof of current insurance and pay a $100 administrative fee in cash or
check. The owner will be given a receipt from the police department, which must be taken to the tow
company. The owner is required to pay the towing and storage fee to the tow company and the vehicle will
be released. This information is also provided in the paperwork that was given to the driver at the time
the vehicle was impounded.
Q. How do I obtain a copy of a police
A. Requests for copies of police reports and other
public records held by the police department must be submitted in writing to the police records unit.
Simply complete the
Records Request form online, mail it or bring it to the police department
for approval. The records unit is open Monday through Friday, excluding holidays from 9:00 am to 4:00
pm. Once the request is received, the record will be made available in a reasonable time or you will be
told why it cannot be released. Normally, pending criminal case records and some juvenile records will
not be released as a public record. You will be charged a fee for the record that must be paid prior to
releasing the record. For more information contact the records unit at (503) 338-6433.
Q. How do I obtain a copy of a criminal
A. The Astoria Police Department cannot provide
information about your criminal history or another person’s criminal history. A complete criminal
history may be obtained through the Oregon State Police, #13 Portway Street. 503-325-5515. You can also
visit the Public Records Unit on the State of Oregon
Q. What is the difference between a
restraining order and a stalking order and how do I obtain one?
A. A restraining order is issued by the State Circuit
Court if you have been a victim of domestic abuse from an intimate partner, spouse, former spouse,
parent of your minor child or relative related by blood. Applications for restraining orders can be
obtained at the Clatsop County Courthouse, 749 Commercial Street, Astoria.
A criminal
stalking order may be issued by a police officer if you are being followed, harassed, threatened or
menaced repeatedly by an individual you can identify. Call 503-325-4411 for an officer to discuss
criminal stalking orders. Civil stalking orders are issued by the Clatsop County Circuit Court for the
same problems as a criminal stalking order. Visit the Clatsop County Court at 749 Commercial Street,
Astoria, for information about civil stalking orders.
In most cases, restraining orders and
stalking orders involve more complex matters. Additional information about both these legal processes
can be obtained from the Women’s Resource Center, 503-325-3426.
Q. Do you offer a citizen ride along
A. Yes. The Astoria Police Department offers citizens
the opportunity to observe police officers at work. Citizens requesting a ride along must complete
application to Ride Along and return it to the police department. A
background check will be completed and you will be contacted to arrange your ride along.
Q. What is the process for obtaining a
Taxi drivers license?
A. Pick up a taxi drivers license application at the
police department, complete the form and submit it along with a $50 cash non-refundable fee to the front
office. A background check will be completed and upon approval, you will be notified to contact the
Records Division to make an appointment for your taxi license to be printed.
Q. What do I do if I get a parking
A. Parking tickets may be paid at the Finance
Department of City Hall, 1095 Duane Street, Astoria. 503-325-5821. If you wish to dispute a parking
ticket you have received, you will need to contact Municipal at 503-325-3939 to arrange a court date to
speak to the Judge.
Q. How do I get back property that was
seized by the police?
A. During a police investigation, officers may find
it necessary to seize certain property items in your possession. If your property was seized, you must
wait for an adjudication or court order authorizing the release of your property before you may claim it
at the police department. If you have questions regarding the release of your property, please call
503-338-6411 x13.
Q. What should I do if my property has
been stolen?
A. If you are the victim of a burglary or other crime
and your property was stolen, call 503-325-4411 to report the crime. If the items stolen include serial
numbers, please provide that information to the officer and it will be entered into the Law Enforcement
Data System, where all Law Enforcement Agencies can trace the serial number back to the owner if it is
recovered in their jurisdiction. The Police Department will also put the stolen item in our "Hot Sheet"
which is sent each month to businesses in the local area that deal in used goods.
It is
important to record serial numbers and other identifying information for valuable property, since most
of the retrieval systems require an identifying number. Making a record also simplifies getting stolen
property back to the owner. For property that does not have a serial number, an engraver is available
for loan at the Police Department.
Q. How does the Police Department's Lost
& Found procedure work?
A. Lost property: If you have lost property within
the city limits of Astoria, you may call 503-325-4411, the non-emergency police number, to report the
loss of your property. A log entry will be made and a description of the lost property will be entered
in the record. It is very helpful in the recovery of your property if you have retained a record of the
serial number of the product. The Astoria Police Department sends a monthly Hot Sheet of stolen and lost
property to local businesses that deal in second-hand goods and your lost property is
If you have lost property and think we may have your property, call (503)
338-6411 x13 during business hours to describe your property in as much detail as
Found Property: People frequently turn in property to the police department that
they have found. If the owner does not claim the property within 90 days of being turned in, the
department will send the property to
GovDeals.com for auction, with the proceeds being deposited in the City general
If the value of the property is more than $250 and you want to keep it, Oregon law
98.005 requires that you give notice to the County Clerk within 10 days of the finding and advertise
your finding in a local newspaper once a week for two weeks within 20 days. If no one claims the
property within three months, you may keep it.
If you need more information, please contact
the evidence custodian at 503-338-6411 x13 during business hours.
Public Works
Q. Who do you call before you dig?A. If you plan to dig, you're required to contact the Oregon Utility Notification Center (OUNC) toll free at (800)
332-2344 or visit their website at https://digsafelyoregon.com.
This is an invaluable, free service to prevent accidents related to buried utility lines and
facilities. The OUNC notifies member utilities operating in the proposed
excavation area to locate and mark their underground facilities.
Q. How do I report a street
light that is out/flickering?
A. Streetlights provide a valuable service to the community by
supplying light for both motorists and pedestrians. The benefits of this important
resource are best achieved when every streetlight is operating properly. Pacific Power, however, is unable to manually check each
streetlight and thus it depends on the assistance of customers to help identify
streetlights in need of repair. If you notice a streetlight outage, please contact
Pacific Power at:
- 1-877-508-5088; or,
- You may also report online at the Pacific Power website.
When reporting a streetlight outage, it is important to provide the following
- Address,
- Nearest cross street, and
- Pole number (on pole)
Thanks to the assistance of citizens, Pacific Power will be able to find and repair
streetlights in a timely manner, and in turn, make our community safer and brighter.
Q. Who do I call about dead animal
A. Public Works Operations will pick up dead animals within
the City limits when they are found in a City right-of-way or on City property. Most
dead animal calls received on Saturday or Sunday will be picked up when the regular
shift begins on Monday. However, if the animal poses a traffic hazard, City crews will
remove and dispose of the animal from the area.
During business hours, call Public Works Operations at (503) 325-3524; after business hours, call
Dispatch at (503) 325-4411.
For dead animals on state highways, please contact the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) at (503) 325-7222.
Q. How do I find my property
lines? Who do I talk to about a property line dispute?
A. Approximate property lines may be viewed on the City of Astoria's GIS. Additional information regarding property
boundaries may be available at the Clatsop County Surveyor. The Clatsop County Survey's office is
located at 1100 Olney Ave., Astoria, OR 97103. You can also reach them by phone
at (503) 325-8631.
The only way to find out the exact location of property lines is to have a property
survey completed. Property line disputes between neighbors are a civil matter in which
the City is not involved. Property owners need to contact a private attorney to resolve
Q. What is a street vacation?
How do I get a street vacation?
A. A street vacation is when an
unused or unneeded street, alley or other public right-of-way becomes private
property. A vacation will only be granted in the event that there will
be no adverse impact to adjacent properties, the reason for the request demonstrates a
need to prevent unnecessary hardship, and no public infrastructure exists or is planned.
The adjoining property owners can file a petition with Public Works Administration to
consider vacating a street. After reviewing the request, a recommendation is submitted
to City Council for approval. For more information, call Public Works Administration at (503) 338-5177.
A. Sign board reservations are limited to non-profit organizations only.
Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis; there is no fee for use of the signboards;
reservations are limited to a maximum of two weeks, but may be made up to two years in advance.
Each sign frame is 4' x 8'. Locations available are listed below. If you have any questions,
please contact Public Works Administration at (503) 338-5177.
- Smith Point,
- Youngs Bay Bridge (2)
- Marine Dr. between 31st and 32nd St.
- Astoria Recreation Center (formerly known as the Astoria Yacht Club)
Works Permits
Q. Do I need a Utility Service Application?
Q. Do I need a Public Works Permit?
Q. Do I need a Grading and Erosion Control Permit?
Q. Can I remove a tree near my house? Do I
need a permit?
A. If a property owner is removing a tree on their own private property, a
permit is not required as long as the tree remains on private property during the course of its
removal. If you aren't sure if the tree is located on your private property, contact
the Engineering Division.
If the tree is located in the public right-of-way or on City-owned
private property, you must obtain a Tree Cut/Fell
permit prior to removing the tree(s).
Trees located in unopened city rights-of-way (aka unimproved
rights-of-way) are the responsibility of the adjacent property owner to maintain. Astoria City
Code § 2.500 has information regarding the permit required to maintain trees
located in the unimproved right-of-way.
Per the Administrative
Practice 606 Tree Removal Policy, the removal of dangerous
trees will be a staff decision and proposed removal of
any non-dangerous tree or trees located on City-owned private property will be placed on the
agenda of a City Council meeting for City Council consideration.
You can find a Tree Cut/Fell permit
application and information about the permitting process on our Forms & Permits webpage.
The Engineering Division coordinates the requests with a professional arborist to determine if
the removal of the tree is the best action to take; in some cases, these requests must be
approved by City Council. Tree removal in the right-of-way must be performed by a contractor
bonded to work in the City right-of-way. For more information, contact the Engineering Division at (503) 338-5173 or engpermits@astoria.gov.
Sanitary Sewer
Q. What can I safely flush down
my toilet?
A. Even if a package says "flushable," some
everyday items can cause messy and expensive problems for your plumbing and our sewer treatment
Products that might seem safe to flush down the toilet, such as personal care
wipes, dental floss and paper towels, don't dissolve quickly – or don't dissolve at all – in
water. If a scrap of undissolved material gets caught on a nick, bend or bump within a pipe, it
can trigger a growth of buildup that could cause a sewer backup in your home or
neighborhood. Please see additional information in the following brochure prepared by the
"Think Before You Flush"Sewer agencies, environmentalists and
consumer advocates are working with manufacturers to correct product labeling. In the meantime,
please make sure to dispose of personal care products, cleaning supplies and other household
waste properly: in the trash can, in the recycling bin or at your local household hazardous
waste disposal site.
Sewage backups onto private property can result when an interruption
of the wastewater conveyance system occurs. Such overflows have the potential of creating a
health hazard and causing significant damage to property and contents.
Upon notice of an
overflow situation, the City of Astoria will immediately respond to the scene, evaluate the
situation and take the necessary steps to eliminate the cause of the sewage overflow in the
public wastewater collection facility.
The City is typically responsible for sewage
backups in the public line unless the blockage is associated with a violation of the City’s
sanitary sewer ordinance by a private party. Wastewater customers are responsible for backups in
their private sewer line.
Wastewater maintenance crews inspect and TV all new sewer lines
after they are constructed. The crews are also responsible for maintenance and repair of the
sewer lines and manholes. A major component of maintenance of the sewer lines is
Q. Is my house connected to City
sewer and water?
A. You can find out if your house is
connected to City sewer and/or water by calling
Engineering Division at (503) 338-5173 and providing your street
address. Please note that the City does have information available about public infrastructure,
but often does not have information available about private sewer laterals.
Q. Who is
responsible for repair of the sewer line?A. The City's Sewer Resolution section on
Building Sewers and Connections states, "The user/owner of any private or building sewer shall
be responsible for maintenance to the point of connection with the public sewer." Property
owners are responsible for their sewer lateral (also known as a "side sewer"), which runs from
the street or alley to the house. A permit is required in order to do work on a sewer lateral.
Property owners can perform their own work on any part of the sewer line that is on their
private property, but the portion located in the public right-of-way must be repaired by a
contractor who is bonded to work in the right-of-way. For more information on repairing a side
sewer or to obtain a permit to work on one, contact the
Division at (503) 338-5173.
Q. What should I do if sewer
backs up on or at my property?
A. Typically, if only a small volume of flow occurs or the source is
from an upper level of the structure the problem is probably a private plumbing issue; you
should contact a licensed plumbing professional for assistance. If there is a
significant volume or continuous flow of sewage, contact the Operations Division at (503) 325-3524 (during regular business
hours) or Dispatch at (503) 325-4411 (evenings, holidays or weekends). Upon notification of
sewage backup, the City of Astoria will take the following actions:
- Immediately respond to the scene and investigate the situation.
- Provide information to the affected customer on the responsibility for removal of
blockage and/or repair of the pipe.
Q. When will the City respond to
my call?
A. City personnel are on call 24 hours a
day. They will respond as soon as possible to the scene and evaluate the situation. Appropriate
steps will be taken to mitigate the sewage blockage/overflow of the Public Wastewater System.
The property owner will be notified if the cause of the blockage or overflow is located on a
private line. Contact the
Operations Division at (503) 325-3524 (during regular business hours) or
Dispatch at (503) 325-4411 (evenings, holidays or weekends).
Q. What is a private sewer
A. A private sewer lateral is the section of underground pipe that
connects the sewage system in a house or building (the wastewater plumbing) to the
City-owned and -maintained sanitary sewer collection system (sewer system) in streets,
alleys or easements. As the name implies, the private sewer lateral is a pipe that is owned
and maintained by the private property owner. The private sewer lateral is the
responsibility of the homeowner to maintain and repair, just as the roof on a house is the
homeowner's responsibility to maintain and repair. If you have questions about work on
private sewer laterals, please contact the Building Division at (503) 325-1004 or buildingdivision@astoria.gov.
Q. What causes sewage
A. Interruption of the wastewater conveyance
system or overflow can be caused by many things, including the following:
- Damage to public sanitary sewer lines by private parties or their contractors.
- Damage to a public sanitary sewer line by public entities or their contractors.
- Power or mechanical failures at public sewage pump or lift stations.
- Blockages of a public sanitary sewer line due to debris (rocks, sticks, lumber, toys,
roots, etc.).
- Settlement or movement of the earth below a public sanitary sewer line that causes the
line to collapse or separate.
- Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) caused by significant rainfall events resulting in
flows greater than the capacity of the public sanitary sewer line.
- Damage to the privately owned segment of the wastewater conveyance system by any of the
above causes.
Q. What can I do to avoid sewage
A. Install a backwater valve on the private
building sewer to prevent the backflow of sewage from the public line. Maintain and inspect the
backwater valve as recommended by the manufacturer. Maintain insurance coverage to cover damage
caused by sewage backflow incidents.
Streets & Transportation
Q. How does the City of Astoria
choose which roads to pave?
A. Public Works will look for certain conditions on the road surface
before deciding what to do and when to do it. Loss of aggregate, certain types of cracking
and other signs of stress are good indicators of what’s going on beneath the pavement, as
well as the surface condition.
We use computer software (Pavement Management System) that considers each road’s condition,
prior maintenance history, and traffic loads to help us evaluate the most cost-effective
Additional considerations are available funding and other projects in the area that might
impact the road. We typically have a larger paving project every two years but do smaller
repairs each year as needed. Staff prepares a list of streets to pave and City Council
approves the list prior to construction.
Street overlays are necessary to rehabilitate the street surface and are generally used on
arterial and collector streets to extend the design life an additional 12 - 15 years. Street
projects are prioritized by the Engineering Division and coordinated with local utility companies.
Q. Why do the road crews always
have to do their work during the busiest part of the day?
A. Crews often schedule their work so that they miss the morning rush
hour commute and the evening commute home, and attempt to do their work between those times.
However, some utilities such as water, telephone or gas services must be repaired as soon as
possible to provide immediate services to the public. Therefore, those unplanned repairs
take place immediately.
Q. Who is
responsible for repairing my sidewalk?
A. The vast majority of sidewalks are owned and maintained by the
adjacent property owners. Property owners are responsible for the maintenance and
repairs of sidewalks and curbs adjacent to their property (City
Code 2.000). A Right-of-Way permit is required for work in the right-of-way.
There are very few sidewalks that are owned by the City. City-owned sidewalk repairs are
completed by street maintenance employees to prevent tripping hazards. To report an issue
with a City-owned sidewalk, please contact the Operations Division at (503) 325-3524.
Q. Who installs traffic
A. The location of a traffic sign determines who is responsible for
installing and maintaining the sign.
If a sign is located on a City street, contact Public Works Operations at (503) 325-3524 for repairs and
replacements of street signs. If there is an emergency (for example, a stop sign has been
removed), please call Dispatch at (503) 325-4411.
If a sign is located on a State highway, contact the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Astoria office at
(503) 325-7222.
Storm Drains
Q. How can I tell if my house is
hooked up to the storm drain?
A. The City will investigate the storm drain
systems and dye test if necessary. You may also be able to determine if your house is connected:
if you have curbs with holes in them at the street level, dump water into your gutters on a dry
day and then watch in the street for water to flow out onto the curb/street. However, if your
house is lower than the street you will probably need to ask us for assistance. Contact
Engineering Division at (503) 338-5173 or
engpermits@astoria.gov with any questions.
Q. Why can't I wash my paint, tools, or equipment into the
storm drain? It's water-based paint and I've been doing it for years.
A. As all of us become more aware of potential water pollution
problems, we recognize that we can all do our part to eliminate water contamination. The
storm drain system is designed for rainwater that falls from the clouds, not contaminated
material. Remember, the stormwater flows into our creeks and rivers and eventually into the
ocean. Water-based paint adds to the amount of suspended solids in the water, which is
harmful to aquatic plants and animals.
- ADC Section 3.320(C)(12) (accessed 4/11/22): "Under no conditions shall soil
on sidewalks, streets, or equipment be washed or hosed into storm sewers, drainage ways,
streams or other water bodies."
- City Code Section 5.550 (accessed 4/11/22): "No person may cause or permit a
nuisance affecting public health on property owned or controlled by him. The following
are such nuisances and may be abated as provided in this code":
- D: "Pollution of a body of water, well, spring, stream or drainage ditch by
sewage, industrial wastes or other substances placed in or near the water in a
manner that will cause harmful material to pollute the water."
- G: "Drainage of liquid wastes from private premises."
- I: "Mastics, oil, grease or petroleum products allowed to be introduced into the
sewer system by a user connected to the sewer system."
Q. Where does all this water
A. After flowing through drainage swales and
storm pipes, this water ends up in the Columbia River or Young’s Bay and then out to the Pacific
Ocean. There are new manhole covers labeling the designation of stormwater with the cover
Catch Basins
Q. Who is responsible for
cleaning the catch basins in the street in front of my home/office?
A. The City cleans catch basins on an
as-needed basis. If a catch basin is full or is not draining after a rain event, it may have
been covered with leaves or road debris that needs to be removed from the grate. If, as a
customer, you can rake the material off the catch basin into the street it would be greatly
appreciated. If the catch basin is not blocked and is not draining, please call the Public Works
Operations Division at (503) 325-3524 and we will have a crew respond as
soon as possible.
Q. Somebody dumped oil in the
catch basin. What can you do about it?
A. Please call us immediately. Our staff will investigate the
violation. The maintenance section will need to investigate the downstream effects and clean
up if the responsible party is not willing to deal with the problem immediately. Please call
the Public Works Operations Division at (503) 325-3524 and we will have a crew
respond as soon as possible.
- City Code Section 5.550 (accessed 4/11/22): "No person may cause or permit a
nuisance affecting public health on property owned or controlled by him. The following
are such nuisances and may be abated as provided in this code":
- D: "Pollution of a body of water, well, spring, stream or drainage ditch by
sewage, industrial wastes or other substances placed in or near the water in a
manner that will cause harmful material to pollute the water."
- G: "Drainage of liquid wastes from private premises."
- I: "Mastics, oil, grease or petroleum products allowed to be introduced into the
sewer system by a user connected to the sewer system."
- ADC Section 3.320(C)(12) (accessed 4/11/22): "Under no conditions shall soil
on sidewalks, streets, or equipment be washed or hosed into storm sewers, drainage ways,
streams or other water bodies."
Q. What else should I know about
catch basins?
A. Here are some key tips to keep in mind:
- Keep leaves and grass clippings out of streets, gutters, storm drains, ditches, ponds
and creeks.
- Remove leaf accumulation from catch inlets to avoid local flooding.
- Do not dispose of yard waste/debris into water quality facilities, detention ponds,
swales (low lying or depressed wet stretches of land), streets, or anything conveying
- Report flooding to the Public Works Operations Division at (503) 325-3524.
Q. How can I tell if I have any water
leaks?A. Undetected leaks can be costly. If you think you
may have a water leak, your water meter is your best detective to help you find it:
- Turn off all faucets and water-using appliances, such as the dish and clothes washers.
- Locate your water meter and lift the cover for the meter dial.
- Note the position of the sweep hand, or use a marker on the lens cover.
- Wait 20-30 minutes and check the sweep hand location again. If the sweep hand has moved, you
probably have a leak somewhere in your system.
- Most meters have a red "telltale" indicator. If you see it moving when all water is off, you
probably have a leak.
Q. How do I look for leaks?
A. Here are a few ways to see if you have a leak:
- Drop a little food coloring into the tank. Wait about 10 minutes without flushing. If color
appears in the bowl, you have a leak.
- Check for moist spots around and under the house plumbing and around outdoor plumbing.
- Replace worn washers in faucets and shower heads. A little drip wastes many gallons each day.
- Drips not only drive you nuts but will never go away unless you fix them. Even a small drip can
waste as much as 170 gallons of water each day, or 5,000 gallons per month.
- A licensed plumbing professional may be needed for more complicated leaks.
If you suspect a leak between your water main and your house, please call Public Works Operations Division at (503) 325-3524.
Q. How do I locate my water meter and is
it accessible?
A. Your water meter should be located in front of your house, inside a concrete
or plastic meter box that is set flush to the ground. Look for the meter behind the sidewalk at a
side lot line near the street. If your home is on a corner lot, it could be either on the front or
side street.
Sometimes, meter boxes are not easily visible due to landscaping and other obstructions. The City
needs unrestricted access to the meter for reading, maintenance and customer service. Clear and
unobstructed access to the water meter and the shut-off valves may also be a benefit to you in the
event of a plumbing emergency when you may need to shut off the water in a hurry to prevent damages.
If you need help finding your water meter, please call Public Works Operations Division at (503) 325-3524.
Q. How do I read my water meter?
A. Reading your meter is like reading the odometer
of a car: Read the numbers from left to right that appear under the words "Gallons" The first digit on
the right represents one gallon. The second from the right represents 10 gallons. The third from the
right (usually a different color) represents 100 gallons. One revolution of the meter sweep hand (the
arm that goes around in a circle) equals one gallon.
Q. How do I shut off my water?
A. Know where your water shut-off valve is located
before you have an emergency. There should be a valve near the house. Look in the following places:
- In the crawl space or basement, where the water line enters the home.
- In the garage where the water line enters the wall or ceiling, near the water heater or laundry
- Outside near the foundation, often protected by a concrete ring or clay pipe.
- Your water meter is located in a concrete box in the ground, generally in front of your house
and near the side property line. It’s important to keep the box free of plants and roots that
can obstruct or hide the meter or damage the service line.
- You might want to have a shutoff valve installed if you can’t locate one.
If you have an emergency and need help shutting off your water at the meter or locating your water
meter, please call Public Works Operations Division at (503) 325-3524.